Many summer camps for children with bleeding disorders have a common goal to allow campers to foster independence and management of their lifelong conditions through a typical camp experience. Bleeding Disorders camps strive to be a place where everybody is welcomed and supported in the best way per their knowledge, understanding, and experiencing of their bleeding disorder. Camps focus on possibilities instead of limitations. Some camps focus on health education and advocacy. Others focus more on the typical camp activities and place less emphasis on bleeding disorder specific topics, such as injections and infusions.

This section about Camps covers the following:

Finding the Right Camp for You

Camp: How to Get Ready

What Camps Give You

This One Time at Camp

Finding the Right Camp for Your Child

Here are some tips to help you choose a camp:

Know what to look for in a camp:

  • Look for a camp that includes siblings of people with bleeding disorders. Bleeding disorders can affect the entire family.
  • Check that Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) staff participate fully in camp life and the care of the camper.
  • Pick a camp that offers not only recreation but also opportunities to build self-esteem and teach successful ways to live with a bleeding disorder.
  • Talk with other community members and local chapter staff about their experiences with camp.


If you want more information about the different camps offered in each state, please go to the NBDF Camp Directory. Please note, some camps may only allow campers to attend based on their geographic location.


Camp: How to Prepare

Preparing your child for going away to camp starts long before you drop them off.

If you and your child are new to the camp experience, it's important to talk about what will happen. This includes general information, such as the location of the camp site and planned activities, but also your communication. Both you and your child need to know how long you'll be separated from each other and that it’s possible you may not be able to communicate during this time. Before camp starts, talk with your child about the need to follow the rules of the camp and the directions of the counselors. Remind them that these adults are there to support and protect them during camp. Contact your camp about talking points and what is offered.

Discussing camp life before your child goes to camp will help you and your child prepare for a great camp experience!

Many of the camps for people with bleeding disorders are organized by a Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) and a local chapter. Discuss any questions or concerns you may have with those organizers. If you know the camp that your child will be attending, you can also talk to the camp director.

Some basic questions you should consider (check the camp's website for answers, if available):

  • What are the rules and responsibilities of the children attending?
  • What is your ability to accommodate my other child’s medical needs (if there are any)?
  • What sports, games, and activities does the camp offer?
  • What should my child bring—or not bring—to camp?
  • What is the camp's general daily schedule?

The camp and the medical staff will provide you with a list of what to bring to the camp. Make sure that you follow the list closely. Items and supplies may not be available if your child doesn’t pack them. The list will include items ranging from clothing, bedding, to all medications needed.

Before your child attends camp, you will need to fill out a registration or application form. Complete the forms accurately, especially the health form. The camp organizers need this information to ensure a safe and fun camp experience for your child.

Here are some things to keep in mind to create a smooth camp experience:

  • Consider how your child might handle being away from home for a few days, a week, several weeks, or more depending on what is offered at your local camp.
  • You should follow the rules about contacting your child at camp.
  • You should label everything with your child's name.
  • Homesickness is a real emotion your child may experience while being away.
  • Before going to camp, have an open discussion about the feelings they may experience and help them come up with ways to cope. Ask your camp for suggestions on how to help your child cope with home sickness.

What Bleeding Disorders Camps Offer

A large focus of bleeding disorder camps is to give children age-appropriate independence. It is also a place where kids are surrounded by their peers who understand what it’s like to live with a bleeding disorder. The camp will promote possibilities instead of limitations.

Some ways that camps accomplish this is by:

  • Teaching campers how to identify and explain their or their siblings bleeding disorder
  • Teaching self-infusion and self-injection skills
  • Teaching life skills, such as leadership and teamwork
  • Meeting other children with bleeding disorders or siblings of children with bleeding disorders
  • Creating a feeling of belonging
  • Helping develop the child's self-esteem

While camps may vary slightly, the camp staff are there to create an unforgettable, positive and safe experience for your child. They have put effort and years of experience into developing activities to promote group bonding, friendships, and personal growth.

Some activities that might be provided at your child’s camp:

  • Swimming
  • Archery
  • Acting/Theatre
  • Hiking
  • Gaga
  • Canoeing/kayaking
  • Fishing
  • Nature study
  • Various athletic activities
  • Medical programs, including bleeding disorder education and self-injection training
  • Campfires
  • Games
  • Arts and crafts
  • Challenge courses, where different types of challenges help groups work together as a team

This One Time at Camp

This One Time At Bleeding Disorder Camp