What Does Your Online Presence Say About You?

In today’s world, your online presence can be one of the main ways people learn about you. Did you know that some colleges and universities conduct searches for applicants’ social media and online presence? The same is true for some employers as well. It is all that much more important to think about what you post and share about yourself online and on social media. Part of your online presence also includes what websites you go to and what apps you use. These tools can be incredible, but it is important to understand how to protect yourself and your data online.

Here are some tips to consider:

Use your judgement about information you are getting online.

It is important to be an educated consumer when it comes to your bleeding disorder. That includes researching treatments, products, protocols, symptoms, or hearing from others with similar experiences. While it’s tempting to find answers to your health-related questions online, always be aware of the sources you are getting your information from. Anyone can post anything online and there can be misleading and inaccurate information. Especially when talking about treatment, always remember that everyone’s experience with a bleeding disorder is specific to them and cannot be applied to everyone. Ask your health care provider for the most accurate information when it comes to your health.

Think before you post.

Be aware that information you post online and on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and other platforms for family and friends to see may also be seen by the general public, including potential employers or universities. Maybe you don’t mind certain information being online now, but will it bother you in a few years? Always keep this in mind before posting. Think through the language and images you are using: is it something you would mind an employer seeing? Is it inclusive and kind? Does it show you doing or wearing inappropriate things? Does it align with who you are?

Do your research.

Be careful about sharing personal information, including information related to a bleeding disorder on social sites.

  • Read the About Us or FAQ sections to learn as much as possible about a site before you post your information. You may also find information in an About Us section on how to request to remove information or a post. If that isn’t stated, make sure to contact them to understand their policy and if they even will remove content if needed.
  • Read the user agreement carefully.
  • Read the privacy policy before entering your name, address, and any other personal information in a database.
Block or ignore unwanted communication.

Make sure you are aware of your privacy settings on social media sites and keep them on lockdown. This will allow you to have more control over who sees your content and who can contact you. If you get inappropriate messages, let a trusted adult know.

Beware of bullying…still.

Cyberbullying still happens when you get older and even as adults. Cyberbullying can include being shamed, being called offensive names, being stalked, threatened, or even sexually harassed. Tips if you have been targeted:

  • Don't engage or respond.
  • Keep a record of all images and comments.
  • Report the behavior to the app/website and possibly to law enforcement.
  • Take a social media or overall digital break.


For more information on data privacy and how to protect your information online, check out the resources below: